Mobile first, or simplicity of design?

Mobile first has become an industry buzz word and trend, so I wanted to explore it for a moment.

First, my view is that it's the completely wrong approach. It also works.

Contradictory? Probably... I'll explain.

Companies who go mobile first always end up making a web or desktop version. I've talked to many in the last year or two who have had to make this transition to stay alive. The fact is, outside road warriors such as Sales, knowledge workers just don't work on mobile. They work on a laptop, MAYBE a desktop.

So why do I say this philosophy works? It's an accident.

Mobile first DESIGN principles, i.e. simplicity and focus, are key to a modern UI. The reason people like consumer apps and hate heavy "enterprise" ones is simplicity and ease of use. Companies who go mobile first embrace this paradigm from the beginning and thus keep it when they transition to more real estate. This results in a better user experience.

So while I think companies targeting the business space should absolutely not take a mobile first approach, and I think we'll see a move away from this very soon, it's important that when the shift happens, the design principles are kept.